How To Make Sure A Dental Implant Won't Be Visible Through Your Gums

Posted on: 30 May 2023
Healthy gum tissues of adequate thickness are absolutely essential for a successful dental implant. Gum tissues regrow around the implant and help it to stabilize. They also form connective tissue at the base of the implant's false tooth, which ensures that it doesn't look false. The thickness (or lack thereof) of gum tissues impacts the natural appearance of a dental implant. This is a real concern for some patients, who might find that a titanium dental implant is in fact visible through their gum tissues.
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How A Prosthodontist Can Help After Your Tooth Needs To Be Extracted

Posted on: 24 April 2023
Tooth loss is a common medical event for patients who suffer from various health conditions. For example, patients who have diabetes will sometimes experience tooth loss as a result. Teeth are also more likely to wear down as the patient ages. To restore a lost tooth, speaking with a prosthodontist is essential. Your Appointment with a Prosthodontist A prosthodontist will assess the health of your teeth and will determine if a tooth needs to be extracted.
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5 Benefits Of Sleep Apnea Mouthpieces

Posted on: 14 March 2023
Sleep apnea is more than just snoring, as sufferers often stop breathing for long minutes while they are asleep. Dental mouthpieces made to treat sleep apnea can replace the need for a CPAP machine for those that suffer only mild to moderate sleep apnea. 1. Comfort The main reason to choose a dental mouthpiece instead of a CPAP machine is simple comfort. There are no straps or the irritation they cause to contend with, nor are mouthpieces as likely to trigger claustrophobia.
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3 Dangers Of Gum Disease That General Dentists Can Help Prevent

Posted on: 2 February 2023
Most people have a daily oral hygiene routine, which is important in preventing dental problems. In addition, you also need to visit a dentist to examine your oral health and eliminate the stubborn plaque in your mouth. Adhering to these routines will help keep oral issues like gum disease at bay. Remember that gum disease affects nearly half of Americans aged 30 years and above. Fortunately, this disease is reversible if detected in time, but it could cause these three complications if not treated in time.
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